GOTO Amsterdam (June 13-15, 2016) is a vendor independent international software development conference with more than 60 top speakers and 800 attendees. The conference covers topics such as Microservices, Rugged, JavaScript, Post-Agile, Data, Spring++, Connected Worlds & Philosophy.

Workshop: "Cloud Native Java Workshop"

Track: Workshops / Time: Monday 09:00 - 16:00 / Location: Mendes da Costa Kamer

In this workshop we'll look at how to build cloud-native Java applications. A cloud native application is one that is designed to fully exploit a cloud platform both in the application layer - where things decompose into microservices - and at the data layer where NoSQL offers better horizontal scaling and fitness for specific purpose.

We'll look at:

  • writing services and handling non-functional requirements like metrics and logging with Spring Boot
  • scaling out safely and building fault-tolerant systems using Spring Cloud and its support for distributed systems patterns like the circuit breaker, service registration and discovery, and centralized configuration management.
  • offloading as much operational work as possible to the platform, Cloud Foundry

Workshop seats are limited.

Josh Long, Author & Spring Advocate at Pivotal

Josh Long

Biography: Josh Long

Josh Long is the Spring developer advocate. Josh is the lead author on Apress' Spring Recipes, 2nd Edition, O'Reilly's "Getting Started with Spring Roo", and Manning's "Cloud Foundry in Action" and a SpringSource committer and contributor.

When he's not hacking on code for (Spring Integration, Spring Batch, Spring MVC, Activiti, and much more), he can be found at the local Java User Group or at the local coffee shop. Josh has been a speaker at numerous conferences, worldwide. He likes solutions that push the boundaries of the technologies that enable them. His interests include scalability, BPM, grid processing, mobile computing and so-called "smart" systems.

Twitter: @starbuxman
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